Association of Personal Computer User Groups

Arizona Alliance of Computer Clubs


Useful Websites and Products
May 2009

Web Tour is a monthly feature where we travel the internet to find interesting sites and programs. Web Tour appears in the group's newsletter as well as here on our website. Just click the links below to visit the sites.

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drop them in the Tip Jar:

Search and Research

This month we provide some sites that have the lookup features we can use while doing research

First, some old, new, and basic search engines

Ask Jeeves

An older site that just keeps going and going

Pronounced 'cool'

Cuil went live in July 2008 and shut down in September 2010. It featured long entries with thumbnail pictures. Not your usual type of search site, it was worth looking into.


The old standby

Live Search

Formerly MSN Search


Another old standby


A search engine that uses the other search engines for a combined search

Second, other research tools:

People Search

For a price, gives more than you probably want to know about a person. Basic lookup is free.

Electronic Manuals

If you have ever lost the manual that came with one of your consumer electronic items, this is the place to find it. Try it out now!


Drivemax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer


All of the Web Tour sites in the newsletter are archived and instantly available right here on our website. Don't waste time-consuming typing of the site addresses. Just click, and you are there.

Tip Jar
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drop them in the Tip Jar:  
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